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Saturday, 27 December 2014

What is vitamin K

Vitamin K Rich Vegetables
Photo Credit- Wikimedia Commons by Elina Mark

Despite being an important vitamin for health the vitamin K is rarely discussed. It is soluble in fats and is needed by the body to synthesize certain proteins. It remains stored in body fats and liver. Its primary importance is considered to help in clotting of blood during bleeding.The letter K has been a German origin from the word koagulation which in English means coagulation or clotting.

This objective is achieved by vitamin K by activating different proteins, minerals and calcium which help in the process of clotting of blood. It helps in the improvement of the health of bones and stops the accumulation of calcium in arteries and thereby reduces the chances of sudden heart attack. It helps in delaying the symptoms of old age.

Due to ignorance the people do not care to include vitamin K in regular diet.

Excessive and abnormal bleeding is the first sign of the deficiency of vitamin K in body. The bleeding from gums and nose is the symptom of this deficiency. The excessive deficiency of vitamin K even leads to the bleeding in digestive system.

The appearance of excessive blood clotting occurs in body is another symptom of vitamin K deficiency.

Due to the deficiency of vitamin K the body especially the soft tissues assimilate large amount of calcium and the arteries become hard. The hardness of the arteries is also a symptom of the deficiency of vitamin K. In some cases it damages the great artery.  

Vitamin K is found in Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinach, Lettuce, Broccoli, Kale, Brussels, Swiss chard, Turnip, Aspharagus, Sprouts, Grapes, Kiwifruit, Avocados etc. Its chief source is parsley

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